[1] [2] The Souldiours of the Caſtell perceyuing theyr Captayne fledde, and the Caſtell poſſeſ|ſed by the enimies, yeelded themſelues, and were pardoned. There were taken within the Caſtell the Archbiſhoppe of Saint Andrewes, Monſieur de Viracke a Frenchman, ſente thy|ther by the French King, alſo the Lady Flem|ming, wife to the Lorde Flemming, and Iohn Flemming, Laird of Boghall, and Iohn Hall,Iohn Hall. an Engliſhman, being partner of a new inten|ded conſpiracie in England, as was after pro|ued agaynſte hym, for the whyche hee was arreigned, condemned, and executed at London, (as in the Engliſhe hiſtorie appea|reth.) The thirde of Aprill, beeyng the mor|rowe after that Dunbretaine was thus ſtraungelye wonne, the Regente came [page 515] thither, and entred the ſame, where hee calling the Capitaines and Souldiers togither cauſed them with him to kneele down vpõ their knees, & to giue to God humble thankes for their good ſucceſſe in that enterprice, brought to paſſe ra|ther by the prouidence of God than otherwiſe, ſithe the Caſtell ſeemed to all thoſe that knewe it impoſſible in maner to be wonne, [...]ong fi| [...] of the [...] of Dum| [...]ne. by reaſon of the great heyght of the rocke, and the ſtrange ſituation, beyng enuironed almoſte rounde a|boute with the water of Clide on the one ſide, and the water of Leuin on the other.