[1] 1571In Marche following, the Regent returned to Glaſquho, and for that the Earles of Caſſill and Eglenton refuſed to ſhew themſelues obe|dient to the King, and woulde not come into the Regent, who had ſente for them by letters, at ſundrye tymes, the Regent gathered his po|wer at Glaſquho, and with the ſame marched towards Vrwin and Air, and ſo forward to the Earle of Caſſils Countrey,The Regent goeth againſte the Earle of Caſtels. who hearing of the Regents comming, ſent forth his brother to offer his ſubmiſſion, wherevpon it was conclu|ded that the meſſenger ſhoulde remayne wyth the Regente as pledge for his brother by the ſpace of twenty dayes, and then the ſaide Earle to make his appearance before the Regente at Striueling, to aunſwere ſuch matters as ſhuld be layd to his charge.