[1] Heerevppon contention roſe among them within the houſe: for whereas the more part of thẽ hauing not ſerued in any iourney or exploit againſt ye King before that time, would needes yeelde, the other, beeyng the leſſe number, were not able to defend it of themſelues, wher|vpon they were ready to drawe their weapons one againſt another, but yet in the ende they al agreed to ſurrender the houſe, and yeelded them ſelues,Puſlay is ſur|rendred to the Regent. vpon ſuch condition as the Regente had preſcribed, wherevpon fyue of them were exe|cuted, and all the reſt were pardoned of theyr liues, the Captayne Iohn Hamilton, Lard of Coughnall and his two breethren excepted, who were ſente to the Caſtell of Glaſquho, there to remayne in priſon, and ſhortly after the ſayd Iohn Hamilton was executed.