[1] During the time of the Regents being there, he ſent one of his ſeruants called Iohn Moone, with letters into Englande, directed to the Q. of Englands Counſell, who for his ſecret prac|tiſing and conference had with ſuche as were e|nimies to the King and Regente before his de|parture out of Scotland, and for receyuing of their letters to be conueyd alſo, and heerewyth diſcouering ſundry ſecretes to them the whych were committed to his credite and truſt, he was apprehended, and the ſame letters which he had ſecretely receyued beeing founde vpon him, and the matters aforeſaid being proued againſt him he was executed.