[1] After the Caſtell of Hamilton was thus wonne and ouerthrowen, the Lordes returned to the Palace, and lodged there againe that nighte, and on the morrowe, they ſet fire both vpon the ſame Palace,Towne [...]lace [...] [...]lton [...] and alſo vpon the towne of Hamilton, and therewith the Engliſhmen taking leaue of the Lords in Scotlande, depar|ted homewards (as in the Engliſhe hiſtorie yee may reade more at large. The Earle of Mor|ton wente with them, but the Earle of Lennox and the other Earles and Lordes with theyr companies tooke their way toward Glaſquho, and from thence euery of the noble men depar|ted home to their houſes.