[1] The nexte day they beſieged the Caſtell,The Caſtell Hamilton [...]+ſieged. whereof Andrew Hamilton of Merinton was Capitayne, hauing vnder him fiftie Souldiers to defende it, and woulde not therefore deliuer it till that twoo peeces of greate ordinaunce be|ing brought from Sterlyng, were planted in batterie: for then perceyuing themſelues in dan|ger to be taken by force, the Capitayne offered to yeelde the houſe to the Engliſhmenne, but not to the Lordes of Scotlande,It is deliuere [...] to the Engliſh|menne. with condition to haue the liues of al them within ſaued, which was graunted, vpon promiſe, that they ſhoulde neuer after beare armes agaynſt theyr King, and to departe the Realme within a certayne terme, and herevnto they were ſworne, but they kept not long their othe: for the night nexte en|ſuyng, [page 513] they beſette the Lorde Simpil that was lodged at that preſente in a houſe not farre off, and not able to keepe it, till reſkewe, came, yeelded it, [...]de [...] taken. and himſelfe priſoner, ſo that he was kepte by the Hamiltons in ſafe cuſtodie by the ſpace of a twelue moneth after.