[1] After that the Earle of Lennox and his frendes were thus commen to Glaſquho, fin|dyng the ſiege rayſed, he remayned there by the ſpace of fiue or ſixe dayes, duryng whiche tyme there came to him of his kinrede and frendes, whiche ought to him their ſeruice,A muſter of iiij. thouſand Scottes. accordyng to the vſe of the countrey, the number of a foure thouſande men, very well appoynted after their maner, the more parte out of the countreys of Lennox, and Darneley,See more h [...] of in Engl [...] whiche muſtered be|fore the ſayde Earle, and ſir William Drurie generall of the Engliſhmen there.