[1] [2] But ſhortly after the Regents as ſhe was ri|ding through Lithquho,


The earle of Murrey Lord Regent ſlaine.

was wickedly ſhotte in with an harquebuſe by one Iames Hamilton, and ſo wounded, that the next day he died of the hurte. After whoſe death the Lordes of the Kings parte with generall conſent wrote let|ters vnto the Earle of Lennox then remayning in England, to repayre home with all conueni|ent ſpeede into Scotland. Ye may reade in the hiſtory of England,Page. 1842. in what ſorte the Earle of Suſſex Lorde Lieutenant of the North partes entring into Tinidale the .xvij. of Aprill, hee at the Moſſe tower, the towne of Crawling, the caſtell of Ferniherſt, the towne of Howike, and the caſtell of Brauxton, that belonged to the laird of Buclewgh, with diuers other caſtelles; Piles, Townes, and Villages, and Hamlettes belongyng to the lairdes of Ferniherſt, Bu|clewgh and others in thoſe parties: alſo how the Lorde Scroupe inuaded the Weſt bordures of Scotlande the ſame time.Page. 1843. And likewiſe how the ſayde Earle of Suſſex warne the Caſtell of Hume,Pag. 1844. & 1845. with diuers other maters whiche here I paſſe ouer, referring you to the ſayd hiſtory.