[1] [2] Herevpon diuers excurſions were made forth of Newcaſtell into the Biſhoprike, where the two Earles were encamped, and ſundry ſkir|miſhes chanced betwixte the parties, though no great hurte followed thereof. The Earles yet one day came from Durham, and with theyr army marched towards Newcaſtell. Sir Iohn Forſter & ſir Henry Percy, hauing intelligence thereof, iſſued foorth of Newcaſtell with all their forces and certayne peeces of great ordinance. They had alſo with them certaine bands of the Souldiers of Berwike, meanyng verily to haue ioyned battel with the Erles, Sir Henry Percy ſhewyng himſelfe as willing & foreward ther|to as any other in all the cõpanies. At Cheſter Dean,Cheſter Dean. midway betwixte Durham and New|caſtel, the armies approched the one neare to the other, a ſmall brooke running in a hollow, deui|ded them in ſunder, ſo that there was no paſſage for them to conuey their ordinaunce ouer, the bankes on eyther ſide beyng ſo ſteepe and com|berſome. Wherevpon the Earles perceyuing that they were diſappointed of their purpoſe, af|ter ſome ſkirmiſhes betwixt the horſemen, they returned vnto Durham, and frõ thence the next day they went to Hexham, and after beyng in vtter diſpaire fledde into Scotlande,Therles of Northumber|land & Weſt|merland flee into Scotland. where the Erle of Weſtmerlande light among thoſe that ſhifted him away ſo from place to place, that he eſcaped out of that realme, when he coulde no longer remayne there in ſuertie: but the Earle of Northumberland fell into their handes, whiche deliuered him vnto the Regent, who thought he coulde do no leſſe than to put him in ſafe kee|ping, conſidering the amitie that was betwixte the twoo Princes, the Queenes Maieſtie of England and the King of Scottes.