[1] [2] This done, he aſſembled ſuche forces as hee was able to make, ſo that he got togither to the number of .xj. hundred horſemen, & tooke order to forlay, & ſtoppe the paſſages, ſo as the Erles frendes and tenants in Northumberlãd, ſhould not go vnto him. After this hauing in his com|pany the Lord Ogle, [...] For|ſter keepeth [...] caſtell a|gainſt the re| [...]s. and Thomas Forſter his brother and other Gentlemen, to new Caſtell, where with Thomas Gower Eſquire, yt had the principal rule therof at that preſent, he tooke order for the defence of that towne agaynſt the rebelles. [...] Hẽry Per|cy againſt his brother the [...]le of Nor|thumberland. Hither came to him ſir Henry Percy, offeryng his ſeruice agaynſt his brother and o|ther the rebelles to the vttermoſt of his power.