[1] [2] The .xxij. of Iune the campe lay ſtill, but the Regent with a thouſand men went to Annand and had it deliuered vnto him.Annand deli|uered to the gouernour. Here hee mette with my Lorde Scroupe, and after returned to the campe. The .xxiij. of Marche they wente to Lochinaben and receyued the Caſtell,Lochinaben the whiche the Regent deliuered to Drumlanrig, but ſome of the Maxwelles beyng cloſely hidde within an odde corner of the houſe, after the re|gent was gone, brake out and ſeaſed the houſe againe into theyr handes. The ſame day twoo houſes belongyng to the laird of Iohnſtone,Two houſe of laird Iohn+ſton taken [...] the regent. the one named Lochwood, & the other Lowhowſy were takẽ, but not brent bicauſe the laird Iohn|ſton had put in ſuretie to come in by a day vnto the Regent. The ſame day they tooke greate ſtore of caſtell and that night with a ſhot of the greate artillery, they ſlew two theeues among lx. others, that came and approched very neare to the army as the maner of the prickers is. The army lay that night at Milton holmes.