[1] Dunfreis.The .xviij. of Iune they marched to Dun|freis, and remayned there all the nexte day. A ſtrong houſe ſtanding in that towne and apper|teyning to the Lord Maxwell was offered vn|to them. Diuers of the Maxwels, Iohnſtons, Yrrewines, Grahames & Belles came into the Regent, and offering themſelues to be obedient, were receyued. Twoo dayes before this, the lord Maxwell, the Landes of Iohnſton, Cowhill, & Louchinwar, had bene at Dunfreis with a thouſand men and ſpent al the vitayles. It was thought that the Lord Maxwell woulde haue come in if the other had not counſayled him to the contrary.