[1] The Queene perceyuing the ouerthrow of hir people, fled from the place where ſhe ſtoode to behold the battell,The Queene of Scots fleeth into England. and withdrew to Crawforde towne, and ſo by the Sauquhar to Dũdrenane in Galloway, and after ſhe had taried there two or three dayes, ſhe tooke ſhip and paſt to Wor|kington in England, where ſhe was ſtayed and conueyed to Carlile, and from thence to Bolton caſtel belonging to the lord Scroupe, who with Sir Raufe Sadler beyng ſent downe for that purpoſe, had the cuſtodie of hir, till at length ſhe was committed vnto the Erle of Shrewſbury, with whom ſhe yet remayneth.