[1] The Earle of Huntley cõ|ming forward [...]de the [...]ne.The Earle of Huntley was comming fore|wardes to haue aſſiſted the Queenes parte, but the battel was ſtrikẽ, and hir people diſcomfited as ye haue heard ere he could come, and ſo he re|turned. In this battayle the valiancie of an Hieland Gentleman named Macferlane, ſtood the Regents part in great ſteede, for in the hot|teſt brunte of the fight, he came in with two hũ|dred of his friendes and countreymen, & ſo man|fully gaue in vpon the flanke of the Queenes people, that he was a great cauſe of the diſorde|ring of them. This Macferlane had bene lately before as I haue heard condẽned to die for ſome outrage by him committed, and obtayning par|don through ſuyte of the Counteſſe of Murray, he recompenſed that clemencie by this peece of ſeruice now at this battayle.