[1] The Earle of Murrey Lorde regent was in Glaſquho, at what tyme ſhee thus eſcaped out of Lochleuin, and vpon knowledge had thereof, meant at the firſte to haue withdrawen himſelfe vnto Sterlyng, but ſuddenly chan|ging his purpoſe in that behalf, he determined to continue at Glaſquho, whiche is not paſte an eyght myles from Hamilton,The Regent [...] determination to ſtay at Glaſ|quho. bycauſe hee was perſwaded, that if ſhe ſhould ſhrynke backe neuer ſo little, he ſhoulde encourage his aduer|ſaries, and diſcourage his frendes, and ſo conſe|quently weaken his parte greatly.