[1] A Parliament holden at E|denburgh.The .xv. of December a Parliament begonne being holden at Edenburgh before the Earle of Murrey Lord Regent, in the which diuers actes and Statutes were deuiſed, made and ratified: as firſte concernyng the Queenes demiſſion of hir Crowne, and reſignation thereof made to hyr Sonne King Iames the ſixte. And like|wiſe concernyng the inſtituting of the Earle of Murrey in the Regencie of the Realme, which he tooke vpon hym the twoo and twentie day of Auguſt laſte paſte, accordyng to hir letters of commiſſion and procuration aboue ſpecified.