[1] [2]2.1.
MArie be the grace of God Quene of Scot|tis,
To all and ſundrie our Iudgeis and Myniſteris of lawe, liegis and ſubiectis quhome it effeiris to quhais knawlege thir our letters ſall cum, greeting.
[1] [2] Forſamekle as by lange irk|ſum and ſedious trauell takin by vs, in the go|uernament of this our realme & liegis thairof, we are ſa vexit and weryit, that our bodie, ſpi|rite and ſencis, are altogeddir become vnhabill langer to trauell in that towne. And thairfore we haue dimittit and renuncit the office of go|uernement of this our realme and liegis thairof, in fauoures of our onely maiſte deir Sonne, na|tiue Prince of this our realme. And becauſe of his tender youth and inhabillitie to vſe the ſaide gouernement in his awin perſoun, during his mynoritie, we haue conſtitute our deereſt bro|ther Iames Earle of Murray, Lorde Abyrne|thi [...], &c. Regent to our ſayde ſonne, realme and liegis foyrſaydis. And in reſpect that our ſaide deereſt brother is actually furthe of our realme, and cannot inſtantly be preſent to accepte the ſayde office of Regentrie vpon him, and vſe and exerce ye ſamyn during our ſaydis deereſt ſonys mynoritie: we quhill his returning within our Realme or in cais of his deceis haue maide, cõ|ſtitute, namit, appointit, and ordaynit, and by thir our letteris makis, conſtitutis, namis, ap|pointis and ordanis our traiſt conſingis and counſalouris, Iames Duke of Chatellerauit, Earle of Arrane, Lorde Hammiltoun, Matho Erle of Leuinax, Lorde Dernley, &c. Archibald Erle of Argile, Lord Campbell and Lorne, &c. Iohn Erle of Athole, Iames erle of Mortoun, Alexander Erle of Glencarne, & Iohn Erle of Mar, Regentis to our ſaid deereſt ſonne, realme and liegis, and in cais our ſaide brother Iames Erle of Murray cum within our realme, and refuſis to accept the ſayde office of Regentrie v|pon his ſingulare perſoun, we make, conſtitute, name, appoint, and ordeyne, our traiſt, conſingis and Counſallouris foyrſaydis, and our ſayd brother Regentis of our ſaide deir ſonne, realme and liegis.
[1] [2] Genand, grantand and comittand, to thame or ony Fiue of thame coniunctlie full power for our ſaide ſonne, and in his name to reſſaue re|ſignacyonnis of landis, make diſpoſitionnis [...] wairdis, nonentreſſis, releuis, mariageis, bene|ficis, eſchetis, officis and vtheris, caſualiteis and priuiledgeis, quhat ſumeuer concerning the ſaid office, Signatouris thayr vpon to make, ſub|ſcriue, and cauſe be paſte throuch the ſeillis. And to vſe and exerce the ſaide office of Regentrie in all thingis, priuiledgeis and comoditeis, ſiclike as freelie and with als greit libertie as ony re|gẽt or gouernor to vs or our predeceſſouris vſit the ſamin in ony tymes bygane. Promyttand [page 506] to halde firme and ſtabill in the worde and faith of ane Prince to quhatſumeuer thingis our ſaidis traiſt couſingis dois in the premiſſis. Charginge heirfore ȝow all and ſundrie our Iudgeis and myniſteris of law, lieges and ſub|iectis foyrſaydis, to anſwer & obey to our ſaidis traiſt conſingis. Regentis foyrſaidis in all and ſundry things concerning the ſayde office of re|gentrie during our ſaide deereſt ſonis minoritie, and ay and quhil he be of the age of ſeuintene ȝeiris compleit, As ȝe and ilk ane of ȝow wil de|clair ȝow luifinge ſubiectis to our ſayd maiſt deir ſone, ȝour natiue Prince, & vnder all paine, charge and offence that ȝe and ilk ane of ȝow maie commit and inrin agains his maieſtie in that pairt.
Subſcriuit with our hande, and gi|uẽ vnder our priuy ſeill, at Lochleuin the .xxiiij. day of Iulij, and of our reigne the twentie fiue ȝeir.