[1] The Larde of Cragmiller, then prouoſt of Edenburgh, and Sir Iames Balfour, alſo the Captaine of the Caſtell, were ioyned in this cõfederacie with the Lordes, as ſhortly af|ter it appeared. The Queene after this, was [page 505] conueyed ouer the Forth and brought to Loch|leuen,The queene [...] to Lochleuen. where ſhe was appoynted to remayne in warde vnder the ſaue keepyng of Williã Dow|glas Lard of that place. The Erle Bothwell eſcapyng to Dunba [...] founde meanes to flee in|to Denmarke, where he was ſtayed and com|mitted to pryſon wherein at length he died. Diuers perſons afterwardes were apprehended as parties to the murder of the King, and there|vpon condemned, were executed, confeſſing the ſayd Earle to be the principall executour of the ſame murder.