[1] The Queene of England de| [...]s to [...]e wyth the Queene of Englande.The Queene of Englande deſirous to haue a meeting beetwixt hir & the Queene of Scotts hir couſin, ſent dyuers meſſengers with letters, deſiring hir moſt inſtãtly to come vnto Yorke, where ſhee woulde meete hir, to talke wyth hir of dyuers matters, that myght make to the con|firmation of the amitie and friendeſhippe, whi|che nature hadde knitte beetwixt them, by con|iunction and affinitie of bloud: and after con|ſultation hadde wyth hir counſell, the Queene of Scottes agreed thereto: and ſo they were appoynted to meete at Yorke in the Monethe of Iulye nexte followyng: but when thyngs were prepared, and put in a redineſſe for the iourney, the Queene of England ſente worde to the Q. of Scottes,The meeting [...]e was diſ|appointed. that ſhee coulde not keepe the ap|pointemente made for theyr meeting, deſiring hir to haue hir excuſed for that time, whyche meſſage was accepted, and ſo ye iourney ſtayed.