[1] The deathe of that noble Princeſſe, made the Frenchemen within Leith, and alſo the Ambaſ|ſadours more diſcouraged, than otherwiſe they woulde haue bin.The Ambaſsa|dours came [...] Edinburgh. But neuertheleſſe theſe foure Ambaſſadours of Englande and Fraunce com|ming to Edinburgh, entred in conference amõg themſelues, vppon articles proponed aſwell for reliefe of the Scottiſhemen, as for the weale and ſuertie of the Queene of England and hir Sub|iectes, wherevpon certaine Lordes of Scotland were admitted to talke wyth them alſo:They haue conference. Peace is con|cluded. and af|ter long treatie, a peace was concluded the tenth of Iulye, in the yeare of God .1560. wyth certaine articles touching aſwell Scottes, and Frenche, as Engliſhemen, the effect where|of here enſueth.