[1] During the time that ſhe was Regent, ſhee kepte good iuſtice, and was well obeyd in all partes of the Realme in Orkney, and the We|ſterne Iſles: and if ſhee had to hir owne experi|ence ioyned the Counſell of the Nobles and wiſe men of the Realme of Scotland, without following the aduiſe of ſtraungers, there hadde bin neuer queſtion nor debate betwixt hir and the nobilitie as ſome deemed: but bycauſe that others, and namely, Monſieur Doyſell and Rubee were adioyned to hir by the eſtates of Scotland, who dayly preſſed hir to deuiſe new alterations of lawes, impoſitions, taxations, & ſuche things as were not in vſe in Scotlande: therefore the eſtates and people of the lande did grudge, although not for anye miſliking they hadde of hir, who ſurely deceaſſed, to the great griefe and lamẽtation of the whole num|ber of the eſtates and people of the Realme.