[1] The ſame time,The Caſtell of Roſſe taken. one Maiſter Donald Fra|ſher, Archdeacon of Roſſe, tooke the Byſhoppes Caſtell of the Chanourie of Roſſe, and kept the ſame againſte Maiſter Henrye Sincleir, then Biſhop there, and the chiefeſt men of authoritie in that Dioceſſe, as Machenȝee, Balnagoun, Foulis, and the Sheriffe Tramercy, who aſſẽ|bled aboute the ſame, and beſieged the Caſtell,The Caſtell is beſieged. where great force was vſed, both by them with|out to winne it, and of them within to defende it.