[1] [2] In the meane time the Queene Regent per|ceyuing hir ſickneſſe ſo to encreaſe, that ſhee loo|ked for preſent death, ſent for the Duke of Cha|tellereault,The Queene tooke for the [...]a [...]es. and all the Lords of Scotland that were in the Towne of Edenburgh, and in the Camp, who came vnto hir altogither into the Caſtell of Edenburgh, where ſhee made vnto them a graue and pithie exhortation,The Queenes [...]ion vnto [...]bles. perſwa|ding them to vnitie and concorde with theyr auncient friendes of Fraunce, and nowe more ſtedfaſt to them than at any time before, by rea|ſon of the marriage of their Queene their So|ueraigne, with the King of France: and heere|with brake out with certaine words, to diſſuade them from the amitie contracted with the En|gliſhmen, declaring that the Engliſhmen aided them not for any other reſpecte, than for theyr owne tourne and commoditie. Moreouer for hir owne parte ſhee ſayd, that ſhee fauoured the weale of the Realme of Scotland, aſmuche as Fraunce, conſidering ſhee had the honour to be Queene and Regent thereof, and hir daughter heritable Queene of the ſame: and if ſhee hadde attempted any thyng, that ſeemed or appeared to the noble men contrarie therevnto, the ſame came to paſſe rather for lacke of wiſedome, and iudgemente, than for wante of any good will: and if it pleaſed God to prolong hir dayes, ſhee woulde bee glad to amende that had bene done amiſſe: and if hee called hir to his mercy, ſhee prayed them moſt hartily to acknowledge their duetie vnto the Queene their ſoueraigne, and to maintaine their auncient amitie with the King and Realme of Fraunce, and to make ſome good accorde with the Frenchmenne that were within the Towne of Leith, who would glad|ly accepte the ſame, to the end that as well they as the Engliſhmẽ ſhould departe this Realme,A miſtruſtfull minde. for ſhee feared greatly (as ſhee ſaide) leaſt if the Frenchmen departed, the Engliſhmenne would ſtill remaine, and ſubdue the land to theyr obe|dience, and therfore ſhe beſought all good Scot|tiſhmen to haue reſpect to the libertie and weale of their Countrey.