[1] [2] [3] In this meane time, the Lord Grey ſent ſir George Howard,Men are ſente to ſpeake with the Queene mother. and Sir Iames Croſts to ye Caſtell of Edenbugh, to ſpeake with ye Queene to that effect, who had long conference with hir vppon the Blockhouſe, at the vtter gate of the Caſtell, during the time of the ſkirmiſh, where they declared, that the occaſiõ of the cõming of the armye, was for the cauſe aboue mentioned,The Frenchmã to departe the Realme. deſiring the Queene to procure the Frenchmen to departe the Realme of Scotlande: and [page 492] they promiſed in that caſe to returne againe in|to their owne Realme, and neyther to diſquiet Frenchmen nor Scots, whervpon the Queene tooke time to be aduiſed till the nexte daye, that ſhe might conſult with ye principall perſonages within the Towne of Leith, requiring that it might be lawfull for hir to ſend to them to that effect, which was graunted, and ſo the next day ſhe ſent one Drummond a Trumpetter with a letter to Monſieur de la Broſſe, to the effect a|foreſaid, directing him to paſſe to the Engliſhe Campe, and to get a guide with him to goe to the Towne of Leith, as was agreed: and there was one appointed to goe with him. But im|mediately after his departing from the Engliſh Camp, he was ſuddainely called backe againe, and his letters taken from him, was comman|ded to repaire to the Caſtell of Edẽburgh to the Queene,The Engliſhe are deſirous to reuenge the iniuries done vnto them. and to declare to hir that they woulde not haue any talke, but woulde bee reuenged on the Frenchmen, for the ſlaughter of their men the night before. Thus the parlee ceaſſing, the ſiege was enforced with righte ſharpe purſute, and ſtrong defending on either parte. The En|gliſhmen caſt trenches vpon the South eaſt ſide of the Towne, and reyſed a little Mont, which they named Mont Pellam, and placed theyr ordinance aloft thereon, but bycauſe it was ſo farre from the Towne,A trench caſt to little pur|poſe. they dyd not ſo muche ſkath therto, as they intended. The Lord Grey Lieutenant of the Engliſh army lodged during this ſiege within the Towne of Leſtalrike, in the Deanes houſe, and the moſt parte of theyr demilances and other Horſemen, lay in ye ſame Towne. The footemen with their Captaynes lodged in Hales, tents, and Pauilions, vpon the South and South eaſt ſyde of the Towne of Leith, and diuers Scottiſhe Lordes encamped with them in the fieldes, as the Earles of Ar|gile, Arrane, Morton, and Glẽcarne, the Lords Boyd, Ogiltree, the Prior of Saint Andrews, the maiſter of Maxwell, and others. The Duke of Chatellerault and diuers with him remay|ned in Holy Roode houſe. And with ye Queene in the Caſtell, the Biſhop of Saint Andrews, the Biſhoppe of Dunkeld, the Earle Marſhall, the Lorde Erſkin, Captaine of the Caſtell, M. Iames Macgill, Clearke of the Regiſter, the Prouoſt of Dunglas, called Maiſter Abraham Cerichton, and diuers other.