[1] The lord Grey [...] vnto the Queene.The Lord Grey being in Muſkelburgh, ſent to the Queene Regente, that lay as then in the Caſtell of Edenburgh, deſiring an abſtinence of warre for foure and twenty houres, that in the meane time he might ſende ſome of his Coun|ſell to declare vnto hir the cauſe of his comming with that army, and to cõmune of ſuche things as might ſlaunch the ſhedding of bloud. The Queene graunted heerevnto, and ſent an Her|rault to Leith, to cauſe the ſaid aſſurance to bee taken, but ere he came to the Towne, the Skir|miſh aforeſayd was begun.