[1] A Scottes Her|rault ſente to the Duke of Norffolke.Aboute the ſame time, the Queene Regent, hearing that the Duke of Norffolke was come to Newecaſtell, as generall Lieutenaunt of the Northe, ſente an Herrault with a letter to him, in whiche letter it was ſignified, that the Her|rault had credite to declare further matter than was conteyned in the ſame letter, but when hee was demaunded what hee had to ſaye, he deny|ed to haue anye credit at all, wherevpon Willi|am Flower, then Cheſter Herraulte,An Engliſh Herrault ſente to the Queene of Scottes. and now Norrey Kyng of Armes, was ſente vnto the Queene, who commyng to Holy Roode houſe neare to Edinburgh, was receyued by ſundry Herraultes, and ſo was had to one of theyr hou|ſes, and there kepte for that nyght.