[1] The Queene Regente ſente vnto the Vice Admirall of that fleete, named Maiſter Win|ter, requiring to knowe of him, for what cauſe hee was come into thoſe waters, who aunſwe|red, that he had bin abrode on the Seas ſeeking after Pirates, and in caſe anye of them came thither, hee was arriued there in the Forthe to waite on them, where the principall cauſe in|deede was to impeache, that no Frenchman ſhoulde lande there, in caſe any came forthe of Fraunce, and alſo to keepe thẽ that lay in Inſ|keith from vittayles, and that no Frenchman ſhould paſſe by Sea forth of Leith.