[1] After their returne from Glaſquo, a certaine number of Frenchmenne went to Striueling, and paſſing by the bridge ouer the water of Firth, came into Fiffe, in purpoſe to haue gone vnto Saint Andrewes, and to haue fortified the Towne, but they being in Kingcorne, there aſ|ſembled togyther in Fiffe the Earles of Arrane and Rothes, the Prior of Saint Andrewes, the Lord Ruthuen, the Maiſter of Lindſey, and di|uers other, hauing with them no greate num|ber,Certaine frenchmenne ſlaine. but yet they daylye ſkirmiſhed with the Frenchmen, and would not ſuffer them to come from the Seaſyde, where diuers Frenchmenne were ſlayne, and one of their Captaynes, with thirtie of his Souldiers, and few Scottiſhmen or in manner none, excepte that the Earle of Southerland, who chanced to be with them at the pricking, was ſore hurt in the arme with the dredge of a calliuer ſhot.