[1] The Duke of Chatellereault, the Earles of Arguile, Arrane, and others,The towne of Glaſquo is taken. came to the towne of Glaſquo, and cauſed ye Images and Altares to be taken downe, ſeiſing the Biſhops liuing into their hands, and tooke the Caſtell of Glaſ|quo perteyning to the Biſhoppe, and put cer|tayne Gentlemenne into it to keepe it, whereof the Frenchmen beeing aduertiſed, marched for|ward to Glaſquo, to the number of fiue thou|ſande men, the Biſhop of Glaſquo, the Lordes Sempell, Seton, Ros, and diuers other wyth [page 490] them, tooke the Caſtell againe, and ſtaying one night in the Towne, returned on the next mor|rowe to Kickintulloch, and frõ thence to Lith|quo and Edenburgh.