[1] Monſieur Doyſell and the Frenchmenne came from Dunbar to the Linkes of Leith, ac|companied with the Duke of Chatelerault, the Erles of Huntley, Bothwell, Mourton,Two armies pacified. and o|thers, and the Lordes of the Congregation came foorth of the towne of Edenburgh of pur|poſe to haue gyuen battayle to the French|men, [page 489] albeit they were not ſufficiente partie to reſiſt them: but the Earle of Huntley trauelled betwixte them, by whoſe meanes there mette twelue on euery ſide, who agreed vpon certaine articles, [...]eith forti| [...]d & ſo the Queene and Frenchmeñ entred into Leith, and forthwith began to fortifie it.