[1] The Erle of Argile, the priour of S. Andros & theyr aſſiſters came to S. Iohns towne & be|ſieged it,S. Iohns town beſieged. till it was to thẽ ſurrendred. The Erle of Huntley was ſent to them from the Queene to treat with them of ſome accord, but he profi|ted not. At the ſame time a certayne number of perſons of the townes of Dundee and Perth, came to the Abbey of Scone,Scone abbay brente. and ſpoyling the Church, brẽt it with the moſt part of the houſe, the Erle of Argile, and the priour of S. Andros beyng with them in company. After this, they wẽt to Striueling,The friers in Steruelyng deſtroyed. where they cauſed ye houſes of the black Friers, & gray Friers to be throwen downe. From thẽce they paſſed to Edenburgh, where the Queene hearyng of theyr comming, departed with the Frenchmenne vnto Dunbar,The Queene departed frõ Edenburgh. the Duke of Chatelleraut, & the Erle of Hunt|ley bring with hyr in company.