[1] In the meane time the Erle of Argile, & the prior of S. Andros left the Queene in Perth,S. Andros. & went to S. Andros, ioyning themſelfes with the other, & made reformation of the Churches, caſting downe Altars, images, houſes of frears, & Abbeys in that towne and in Cowper and o|ther places thereabout:Cowper. & aſſembling a great cõ|pany of coũtrey men, came to Cowper to make reſiſtance againſt the Frenchmen that were in Falkelande with the Queene. But when they ſhould haue met on Cowper More in battayle,Twoo armies were pacified. the Duke of Chatellerault, the Erle Marſhal, and others laboured betwixte them, ſo that the battayle was ſtayed, and the Queene with the Frenchmen returned vnto Edenburgh.