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Iohn Knox with other are ſummoned.

The Queene regent cauſed ſummonance to be giuen vnto Iohn Knox, Iohn Wullock, & Paule Meffane, to appeare at Striuelyng the x. day of May, and for lacke of appearance they were denounced rebelles, and put to the horne. Wherevpon the ſayde Iohn Knox beyng in Perth,Images and Friethcuſes pulde downe. perſwaded the maſter of Lyndſay, the lardes of Tulibardin, Dun Pettarrow, and di|uers other beyng there aſſembled with the bur|geſſes of ye townes of S. Iohns towne & Dũ|dee, to pull downe the images and altares in all Churches, and to ſuppreſſe the houſes of Frears and other religions places, who after a Sermon made by him to that effect, the ſame .x. day of May they began in S. Iohns towne, and caſt downe the Abbay of the Charterhouſe, and the blacke & Carmelite Frears, called the Tulle|lum & reformed all other Churches there about, breaking downe the images and altars in Fife, Angus, Mernis, and other parties there nexte adioyning. The Queene regent being aduer|tiſed thereof, ſent for the Duke of Chatellerault & diuers other of the nobilitie,The Queene regent came to Perth. as the Erles of A|tholl, Argile and others, who came with hir to Perth, otherwiſe called S. Iohn towne, ha|uing with them .ij. thouſand Frenchmen, who entred the towne vpon appointment, & ſo recey|uing it, gaue it in keeping to Capitaine Iames Stewarde, and capitaine Cullane, with their bandes of men of warre.