[1] [2] The warre beyng thus purſued betwixte Englande and Scotland, beſide the encounters and roades whiche are before mencioned, there were twoo great roades made into Scotlande, the one by the Earle of Weſtmerlande, and the other by the Earle of Northũberland, the Lord Talbot beyng there, and hauing the leadyng of certaine Demilãces. Moreouer it was thought good by the Engliſhmenne, not onely to annoy the Scottes by lande but alſo by ſea: wherevpõ ſir Iohn Clere with certayne ſhippes of warre ſayled foorth alongſt the coaſte, till at length he arriued at the Iſles of Orkenay, where goyng a lande aboute an enterpryſe,Sir Iohn Cle [...] ſlayne in the Iſle of Orke [...] and ſtaying lon|ger than was requiſite, he was encountred by his aduerſaries, and ſlayne with many of his people, whiche were there a lande with him.