[1] [2] Aboute this time whyleſt the Lorde Evre commonly called Evers, remayned capitayne of Berwike, one Kirkandye couſine to ſir Wil|liam Kirkandye Lord of Grange, chanced to be taken pryſoner into Berwike, and afterwardes beyng ranſoned, at his commyng home to Ay|mouth, he made reporte that hee had bene to ſtraytly vſed during the tyme that he remayned pryſoner, at the handes of the ſayde Lord Evre, by reaſon whereof,The Lard of Grange chalẽ+geth the Lo [...] Evre. vpon a chalenge made by Grange to fight a combat with the Lord Evre, the mater grewe to this iſſue, that where their degrees were not equall, Raufe Evre brother to the Lorde Evre, vndertooke in his brothers be|half to breake a ſtaffe with the Lard of Grange vpon the ſide of Halidon hill at a day appoyn|ted, where they mette, eyther of them bring|ing twelue Gentlemen with them, to ſee the triall of this chalenge performed. But when they came to haue theyr armour and weapons vewed, the truth is ſo, that Grange was armed in a coate of plate, and a cuirace alofte vpon it, wherewith ſome faulte was founde, bycauſe Maſter Evre was cladde only in a ſingle coate of plate, without any other peeces of armour for defence of his body: but yet ſuche was the great courage of the ſayd Maſter Evre, that he would not refuſe the chalenge notwithſtãding his ad|uerſaries aduantage of armour.The Lard of Grange, and maſter Raufe Evre ranne o [...] againſt ano|ther. Wherevpon they rãne togither, and brake both theyr ſlaues: and as it fortuned Maſter Evre was hurte in the flanke.