[1] The Erle of Bothwell.After this the Earle of Bodwell lying on the bordures as Lieutenant accordyng to the order for the time of his quarterage, entred one day into England, & ſent his forrey to brenne Fen|ton towne, keeping himſelfe in ambuſh at Halt|wel Sweyre. Sir Hẽry Percy aduertiſed that ye Scottes were thus entred, got togither a thou|ſande horſe, and makyng foorth to defende the countrey, ſet vpon the Earle at the foreſayde place of Haltwell Sweyre,Haltwell Sweyre. but ſome feare en|tring into the harts of the Engliſhmen, by rea|ſon of certayne ſhotte whiche the Scottes had there with them, fledde, and were purſued by the Scottes ouer the water of Till. There were taken about ſixe ſkore Engliſhmen, amongſt whom capitayne Erington,The Engliſh men put to flight. & capitayne Car, that had the leadyng of light horſemen, were twoo, beſide diuers other men of good accompte in ſeruice, as one Vaughan a Gentleman and ſuche lyke.