[1] The Lorde of [...] with o| [...]s taken [...].Amongſt others, capitayne Cullane, and capitayne Kenedie twoo chiefe leaders of the footemen were taken: diuers of theyr horſemen alſo in the retire were taken, amongſt whome the Lorde Keith, ſonne to the Earle Marſhall of Scotland was the chiefeſt. But this victorie was not atchieued without loſſe of diuers En|gliſhmenne. Amongſt other one Pel, enſeigne bearer to ſir Iohn Markharus bande of footemẽ was ſlayne. Alſo maſter Edrington a capi|tayne at light horſemen,M. Edrington taken. was taken pryſoner by the Lard of Edmonſton at the firſte charge gi|uen vpon the Scottiſh horſemen, and led away without a [...] [...]eue.