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A Parliament

In December the Queene aſſembled a Par|liament at Edenburgh, where by conſent of the whole eſtates, there were elected and choſen Iames Beton Archbiſhop of Glaſquo, Robert Read biſhop of Orkney, George Leſley Earle of Rothes, Gilbert Kenedy Earle of Caſſels, Iames Steward prior of ſ. Androwes, George Lord Seaton,Ambaſſadours ſẽt into Frãce to cõſummate the mariage betwixte the Queene of Scotlande, and the Dolphin of Fraunce. Iames Flemmyng, and Iohn Erſkin Lard of Dun, Ambaſſadours and com|miſſioners to go into Fraunce, and there to con|tract mariage, betwixte Marie queene of Scot|lande, and Fraunces Dolphyn of Fraunce, and to ſolempniſe the ſame mariage. Wherevpon ſufficient commiſſions and inſtrumentes were made to them by the eſtates of the Parliamẽt, & they acceptyng the ſame, made preparatiõ for ye iourney, and departed in the moneth of Februa|ry foorth of the roade of Leith,1558. and with greate windes and boyſterous ſtormes, came into Fraunce, loſing in theyr iourney one of theyr ſhippes, with men and horſes before S. Ebbes [figure appears here on page 484] head in the Forth of Scotlande, and an other with great riches and many Gentlemen, with the Capitayne called Waterton in the roade of Bullongne.Two ſhippes loſte. The Ambaſſadours themſelues neuertheleſſe eſcaped, and commyng ſaufe vnto the French courte in the moneth of March were honorably receiued of the King at Paris,The aſsigne|ment of the Scots queene dower. where the contract of mariage was made, and three|ſcore thouſand Frankes aſſigned in Dower to ye Queene of Scotland, & .xxx. thouſand Frankes of yearely penſion with many riche Iewels.