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The Queene [...]ent deſi| [...] warres.

This yeare in Iuly the Queene ſent for the Lordes to cõmune with them at New bottell, where ſhe opened to thẽ diuers wrongs done on the borders by Engliſhmen, & how no redreſſe could be got, wherfore ſhe required that warres might be moued agaynſt Englãd in reuenge of thoſe iniuries,An aſſemble at Carleill. although the Biſhop of Orkeney was ye ſame time at Carleill in talke with Cut|bert Tunſtal biſhop of Dureſme & others, com|miſſioners for Englãd. The principall cauſe yt moued the Q. Regent to ſeeke to make warre againſt England,The occaſion [...] the Q Regent deſi| [...] to haue [...]e. was for that the Engliſhmẽ ayded ye Emperour in fauour of his ſonne king Philip agaynſt the French king, bycauſe their Queene had taken to huſbande the ſame King Philip, & ſent the Erle of Pembrooke ouer with an army to ioyne with king Philips power. It was thought therfore, that if the Scots inuaded the Engliſh bordures, it might cauſe thẽ to call barke their power forth of Fraunce to defende their owne countrey.

The Scottiſh Lordes refuſe to take warre in hande.

Haymouth is fortified.

Inuaſions are made into England.

But the Scottiſh Lordes woulde not conſent in any wiſe to beginne any warres: whiche their dealing when Monſieur Doyſell perceyued, he ſpeedely went vnto Hay|mouth beſide Berwike, & fortified the ſame with all diligence, making inuaſions into England: whervpõ the Scottiſhmen in their owne defence were conſtreyned to make warre, & the Earle of Hũtley was made Lieutenãt vpõ the bordures, who came thither, and remayning there by aſſi|ſtãce of the Frenchmẽ, made ſundry inuaſions & roades into England, brent diuers townes and villages, & caſt down many ſtone houſes, piles, & ſtrengths. In this meane while were the Scot|tiſh comiſſioners at Carleill, and the Maſter of Maxwell Warden of the weſt bordures, beyng there with them, with much a do got away and came home into Scotlãd. The Queene aſſem|bled a great army out of al parts of the realme,An army aſ|ſembled. the whiche came foreward to Kelſo in the mo|neth of October,The Lordes do not cõſent therevnto: where the Queene and Frẽch|men perſwaded them to enter by inuaſion into England, but they meaning to take further ad|uiſe, paſſed ouer Tweede to Maxwell hughe,The caſtell of Warke beſie|ged by Scots. where they encamped, & afterwardes approched the caſtell of Warke, enuironing the ſame with a ſiege for the ſpace of twoo or three dayes.Capitayne Reade. Ca|pitayne Read at that preſent had charge of that caſtell, with three or foure hundred footemen, & one hundred horſemen, ſeemyng to care litle for the Scottiſhmens forces.