[1] The Queene regent ſent the Erle of Hunt|ley to ye Hie lãde, to take Iohn Mwdyeart,Therle of Hũ [...]+ley is pryſo|ner. who returned without him, whervpon Huntley was called before the Queene & Counſayle, & put in warde in the caſtell of Edenburgh, the .xj. day of October.Officers are chaunged. The Queene chaunged al the offi|cers, & made the Earle of Caſſels threſorer, and Veilmort a Frenchman cõtroller: alſo an other Frenchman called Mõſieur Rubie, keeper of the great ſeale, in place, of the Erle of Huntley, who was Chauncellour and then in warde. Theſe mens counſell and Monſieur Doyſels ſhe vſed principally in al things.The Earle of Huntley re|nounced many things. The Earle of Huntley to be deliuered out of warde, renounced his title to ye Erledome of Murrey, wherof he had a gift in heritage. Alſo he renoũced his interreſt to the fermes of Orkney & Sheitland, & to the Erle|dome to Mar, & of the queenes lãdes of Straits Die. And further was cõtented to go ouer into Fraũce, there to remaine for ye ſpace of .v. yeres. But yet afterwards ye Queene was cõtented, yt he ſhould ſtil remaine within the realme, for the which he gaue to hir .v. thouſãd poũd in money.