[1] The couenãts & articles are perfected.In the lente, all the Lordes of the realme of Scotlande aſſembled at Striueling, where all the couenaunts and articles of agreement, be|twixte the Queene and the Gouernour were perfected and fully concluded,1554. and therevpon a Parliament appoynted to be holden in Eden|burgh,A Parliament. the .x. of Aprill nexte enſewyng: and in the meane time ye gouernour deliuered the caſtel of Edẽburgh,Edenburgh ca|ſtell deliuered to the Lorde Erskin to kepe vnto the Lord Erſkin to keepe as it were by way of aſſuraunce for his parte, that al things at that Parliament ſhould be accõpli|ſhed accordyng to the pointes of the agreement.