Snippet: 3990 of 4297 (1577, Volume 2, p. 482)
[2] To conclude, this matter was ſo handled by hir & others to whom ſhe
committed the doings therein,
The gouern|ment is 1. ſig|ned vnto the Queene.
that in the yeare following the Gouer|nour agreed to ſurrender vp the
gouernance in|to hyr handes hyr doughter the young Queene beyng not yet full
.xij. yeares of age. The Go|uernour was promiſed not only a full diſcharge
and a quietus eſt of al his
doyngs, aſwell for re|cept of money, iewels, and other things duryng the time
of his gouernment, but alſo a confir|mation of the heritable gifte of the
Dukedome of Chatelerault, likewiſe an other confirmation of all giftes and
reſtitutions by him made, du|ring the time he had exerciſed the office of
Go|uernour. And forthwith the Queene Dowarier ſent into Fraunce to get all
theſe things diſpat|ched with ſuche aſſuraunces of wrytings vnder hands and ſeales as was expedient, & to be
ſent home into Scotlãd for his ſecuritie in al things.