[1] [2] This yeere in the moneth of Iune the queene Dowarier, and the Gouernour,1552. wente into the North partes of Scotlande, and at Inuernes, Elgin, Bamf, Abyrdene, and Perth,Wrongs don, are by iuſtice redreſsed. the Go|uernour ſatte in Iuſtice for redreſſe of wrongs and adminiſtration of rightuous lawes and orders. And afterwardes they repayred to the Weſte partes, and ſatte lykewiſe in Iuſtice at Dunfreis, and in other places in that [page 482] countrey, where diuers were put to their fines for tranſgreſſing the lawes, but fewe or none touched by corporall puniſhment. In this iourney the Queene ſecretly trauayled with the Lordes,The Queene mother ſeketh to be gouer|nour. bothe ſpirituall and temporall, to haue their conſentes to be regent of Scotland, imme|diatly after hir doughter the Queene came to ſufficient yeres, and that the time of hyr Tuto|riſhip were accõpliſhed, or ſooner if the lawes of the realme would ſo permitte: and to aſſure hir ſelfe of their good willes in this behalfe, ſhe con|tracted ſundry priuy bãdes wt thẽ, making large promiſes of great rewardes vnto euery of them.