[1] Doctor Wanthope a Scottiſhman borne,The Archbi|ſhop of Arma|chane. Archbiſhoppe of Armachane, ſo nominated by Pope Paule the thirde, and after created Lega|tus à latere, by Iulius the thirde, deceaſſed this yeere in Paris the .x. of Nouember.1551. This man was blynde from his infancie, but yet gaue him ſelfe ſo vnto ſtudie, that he was firſt made Do|ctor of Diuinitie in the vniuerſitie of Paris, and after atteyned to ſuch eſtimation in the court of Rome, that he was by the foreſayde Popes ad|uaunced as before ye haue heard.