[1] [2] Things paſſing in this wiſe in Scotland in ye ſommer of this yeare .154 [...].? the Engliſhmẽ were not onely in the meane time ſore troubled with commotions rayſed by the commons of that realme, but alſo with the warres which the Frenche king made agaynſt them, within the countrey of Boullongnoys, ſo that they had not meane to imploy their forces againſt Scotland as they had determined to haue done, as partely before and more largely in the hiſtory of En|gland is mentioned,Hadington raſed and l [...]ft by the Engliſh men. by reaſon whereof, anone after Michaelmas they gaue ouer ye keepyng of Hadingtõ, & raſing their fortificatiõs there, they returned into England to the great reioyſing of the inhabitantes of Louthian, to whome that towne had giuen occaſion of greate troubles & calamities. Vpon the giuing ouer thus of Ha|dington, the Gouernour & the Queene Dowa|ger were aduanced, in hope to recouer againe al that the Engliſhmẽ helde within the boundes of Scotland, but firſt it was thought good to aſſay the winning of Broghtie Crag, for it ſounded (as was thought) greatly to the diminiſhing of the eſtimation, aſwell of the Scots as French|men, that the Engliſhmen ſhould keepe foote ſo farre within the realme, in diſpite of their whole puyſſance.