[1] The Engliſh army after that the Frenchmen were thus fledde and gone, paſſed foorth to Ha|dington with their cariages laden with vitailes, to the great comforte of them within that for|treſſe, ſtanding in great neceſſitie before this cõ|uoye came.Hadington vitayled. This ſommer alſo and a litle be|fore the vittellyng thus of Hadington, vpon knowledge had that Iulian Romero with his bande of Spaniardes,Iulian Rome|ro diſtreſsed. wherof he was Captaine ſeruyng the king of Englande, was lodged in Coldingham a ſixe miles diſtant frõ Berwike, certaine bandes of Almaignes and Frenchmen came thither vpon the ſuddẽ, and ſurpriſing the Spanyardes before they were aware of theyr approche, ſet vpon them in their lodgings, tooke and ſlew in maner the whole number of them.Faſt caſtell re|couered by Scottes. Moreouer about the ſame time Faſt caſtel was recouered by a trayne out of the Engliſhmens [page 480] handes, certayne Scottiſhmen fayning them|ſelues to bryng prouiſion of vittayles to them that kepte it, and getting entrie within the gate, firſt ſlewe the porters that warded at the gate, and after aſſayling the other within the houſe, ſlew the moſt parte of them, & tooke the reſidue, obteyning thereby poſſeſſion of the Caſtell.