[1] The Scottes light horſemen commyng on the backe of the Engliſh army, perceyued where the Almaignes (to make them ready to giue ba|tayle) had throwen of their clokes and lefte the ſame with all other their baggage and ſtuffe whiche they had aboute them in the keepyng of none, but of their women and boyes,The baggage of the Engliſh lanſqueneiz ſpoyled by the Scottiſh horſ|men. wherevpon thoſe Scottes horſemen not minding to ſuffer ſuch a pray to eſcape theyr handes came gallop|ping in, and tooke all the beſte ſtuffe they coulde lay holde vpon, and returned in ſafetie before a|ny enimy might come backe to the reſkew.