[1] Shortly after he returned into Fraunce with the Galleys,Monſieur de Thermes ſuc|ceedeth in his place. and Monſieur de Thermes ſuccee|ded in his place for the generall conduct of the French army in Scotland. Who by the aduiſe of the gouernour and other of the Scottiſh lords determined with a ſiege volant to keepe the En|gliſhmen in Hadington from vitayles and all other reliefe. Firſt therefore after that Deſſe was departed towardes Fraunce, Monſieur de Thermes with his Frenchmẽ and ſome Scots encamped at Abirladie, [...]re buylte Aberlady. where they beganne the fundation of a forte, ſo to impeach the Engliſh|men from ſetting a lande any victuals, there to be conueyed from thence to Hadington as be|fore they had done.