[1] Thus was Inſkith recouered out of the En|gliſhmens hands,Insketh reco|uered out by the Frenchmẽ after it had bene in their poſ|ſeſſion by the ſpace of .xvj. dayes, the more to the highe contentation of Monſieur de Deſſe, for that the ſame time he ſtoode vpon his diſcharge [page 479] and returne into Fraunce, beyng appoynted to ſurrender vp his place to Mõſieur de Thermes, lately before arriued (as ye haue heard) with cõ|miſſion to receiue the ſame.Monſieur de Deſ [...]e retur|ned into Fraunce. So that Monſieur de Deſſe to ende his charge with the glory of this atchieued enterpryſe, eſteemed it muche to ſtande with his honour.