[1] Shortly after, in the beginning of the ſõmer, the Engliſhmen armed a .xxv. ſayle of men of warre, the which arriuing at the Baſſe, neare to the mouth of the Fourth, aſſayed by fayre and pleaſant wordes to haue perſwaded the keepers of the caſtell there ſtanding on the height of a great rocke to haue yeelded the place into theyr hands, but perceyuing their perſwaſions would not be regarded, they tooke their courſe vp into the Fourth, & finding in their way .iiij. ſhippes of Frenchmen & Scottes, ſeaſed vpon them as a wiſhed pray, & the morrow nexte enſewyng at the very breake of day they came before Leith, & ſaluting the towne with Canõ ſhot, remayned there at ancre .x. or .xij. dayes, in which meane while they landed their people at Inſkith, and beganne to fortifie with all diligence,Inskith forti|fied by the en|gliſhmen. but before the place coulde be put in any ſtrength, the ſhips departed frõ thence backe towards the ſea, & left in the yland iiij. enſeignes of Engliſhmẽ, & one enſeigne of Italians to defende the pioners and the Iland againſt the Scots and Frenchmen, if they ſhould attempt to aſſayle them.